Registration of all participants is handled by the conference secretariat:
GUARANT International spol. s r.o. / XIII. Congress of the COS |
Na Pankráci 17, 140 21 Praha 4 |
Tel.: (+420) 284 001 444 |
Fax: (+420) 284 001 448 |
E-mail: COS2016@guarant.cz |
Web: www.kongrescos.cz |
On-line Registration Form
Registration fees
# |
Category |
Payment received by June 30, 2016 |
Payment from July 1, 2016 |
1. |
Members of COS, SOS |
472 EUR |
509 EUR |
2. |
Non-members COS, SOS |
566 EUR |
604 EUR |
3. |
Teachers *) |
189 EUR |
226 EUR |
4.1. |
Postgraduate students (ČOS, SOS members) **) |
170 EUR |
208 EUR |
4.2. |
Postgraduate students (ČOS, SOS non-members) ***) |
208 EUR |
245 EUR |
5. |
Accompanying person |
113 EUR |
151 EUR |
6. |
Orthodontic assistants |
170 EUR |
189 EUR |
7. |
Dental technicians |
170 EUR |
189 EUR |
7.1 |
Dental technicians - Thursday September, 22 |
2000 CZK |
2000 CZK |
8 |
General dentists - 1 day |
144 EUR |
170 EUR |
9. |
1st author of the lecture |
- |
- |
10. |
Honorary members of COS |
- |
- |
11. |
Dental students, one day ****) |
49 EUR |
68 EUR |
Registration fees include 21 % VAT.
The registration fee includes:
Registration fee for category 1, 2, 3 and 4 includes:
- Entrance to scientific section on 22.-24.9.2016, exhibition and poster session
- Congress materials
- Coffee breaks, lunches
- Welcome party on 22.9.2016
- Entrance to Opening ceremony
- Entrance to President’s party on 23.9.2016
Registration fee for category 5 includes:
- Welcome party on 22.9.2016
- Entrance to Opening ceremony
- Entrance to President’s party on 23.9.2016
- Walking tour in Prague on 23.9.2016
Registration fee for caterory 6 and 7 includes:
Entrance to lectures for orthodontic assistants and dental technicians, exhibition and poster session on 22.-23.9.2016
- Congress materials
- Coffee breaks on October 22.-23.9.2016
- Lunch on October 22.-23.9.2016
- Party for orthodontic assistants and dental technicians 22.9.2016
Registration fee for caterory 8 includes:
- Entrance to scientific section, exhibition and poster session on the respective day
- Congress materials
- Coffee breaks and lunch
Registration for category 9 and 10 includes:
- Entrance to scientific section, exhibition and poster section on 22.-23.9.2016
- Congress materials
- Coffee breaks, lunches
- Welcome party on 22.9.2016
- Entrance to Opening ceremony
- Entrance to President’s party on 23.9.2016
Registration for category 11 includes:
- Entrance to one day of the scientific section 22nd, 23rd or 24th September 2016, exhibition and poster session
- Congress materials
- Coffee breaks, lunches
- Welcome party on 22.9.2016
- Entrance to Opening ceremony
Cancellation and refunds
The Conference Secretariat must be notified in writing about
the cancellation of registration by fax (+420) 284 001 448
or e-mail COS2016@guarant.cz .
Telephone cancellations will not be accepted. The appropriate refunds
will be made after the Congress. The following cancellation
conditions apply:
Dates |
Cancellation fee |
Cancellation before Before June 30, 2016 |
Administration fee 10 EUR |
Between 1 July 14 August 2016 |
50% registration fee |
On or after 15 August 2016 |
No refund |
In case of a change in registration / accommodation / refunds caused by a mistake of a participant, GUARANT International reserves the right to charge 30 EUR as a handling fee.
Methods of Payment
Registration fee must be paid in EUR. Early registration fees will only be confirmed if the registration form and the payment are received by the Congress Secretariat on June 30, 2016 at the latest.
Please note that payments by bank transfer will only be accepted by September 12, 2016.
1. Credit card
For payments through the Online Payment System only MasterCard/Eurocard, Visa and Diners Club credit cards are accepted. These payments will be charged in EUR.
Bank transfer
Please note that payments by bank transfer will only be accepted by 22nd August 2016.
After this date only payments by credit cards will be
accepted via Online Payment System
The bank details will be sent to you within three working days after the submission of the registration form.
All payments made by bank transfer have to be net of all bank charges. The payer pays the bank charges of their bank, and the beneficiary pays the charges of their bank, if any.